
Illinois EPA hosts Indian refinery cleanup public meeting

Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 11:25 AM

By Steve Anderson

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) was in Lawrenceville Wednesday night to host a public meeting on the cleanup of the former Indian Refinery-Texaco Superfund site.

The site consists of around 990 acres in south Lawrenceville which contained the petroleum production facility.

The refinery ceased operations in 1985 and was eventually acquired after bankruptcy by Chevron from American Western Refining in 2011.

Chevron has since provided maintenence and security at the location.

There were 5 comments registered by local residents regarding the plans to clean up five of six designated areas.

Written public comments will be accepted on the cleanup through Thursday, February 13th at Illinois E.P.A., Office of Community Relations, Mail Code #5, P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, IL 62794-9276.

Public comments will be reviewed before a final decision on the options available is made and released.