State Senator Mike Bohacek (R-Michiana Shores) made the following statement Wednesday night in response to Governor Mike Braun's 2025 State of the State address,
"Tonight, Gov. Braun announced his legislative priorities for the 2025 session, which included several initiatives shared by the Senate Republican caucus. At the forefront of these priorities, property taxes is one of the biggest issues currently impacting Hoosiers. Our caucus is working hard to find ways to help balance the needs of property owners, school corporations, and local governments.”
The senator continued, "In addition to the initiatives prioritized by the governor and Senate Republican caucus, I am also authoring bills to increase protections for young Hoosiers.”
Bohacek said, "Senate Bill 11 would require a parent or guardian to verify their child who is under the age of 16 is allowed to use a social media platform. Social media has made it increasingly easier for children to be virtually targeted by cyberbullies and predators, so this legislation would create additional protections to ensure our children are safe online.”
The senator also stated, "Senate Bill 74 would expand Indiana's Lifeline Law so a person who is in need of medical assistance as a result of overconsumption of alcohol also has the same legal protections as the caller when a call for help is made. There are many young Hoosiers who may want to help their friends or classmates but are too afraid of what may happen if they make the call. This bill would encourage them to feel protected while also assisting their friends if medically necessary.”
Senator Bohacek ended his comments saying, "Protecting Indiana's most vulnerable population is of utmost importance to me. I look forward to working with the governor and my fellow lawmakers to pass legislation that will positively impact the lives of all children in our state."