Bremen farmer Marvin Houin appeared before the County Commissioners last week to seek clarification on a 2011 resolution regarding the proposal conservancy district at Lake of the Woods.
Houin said the resolution was about the taxation of private easements at Lake of the Woods and said he wanted the commissioners to clarify, “Who are lakefront property owners, and who are not?”
Number two of the resolution discusses right-of-way easements and dedicated access as private and shall remain private and subject to real estate property taxation. Number three in the resolution states that all private access should be taxed in accordance with the policies of Marshall County. Number five says the intention of the county commissioners in 2001 was that private accesses be taxed and divided equally amongst those who benefit from the private accesses.
The Conservancy District at Lake of the Woods is a heated issue with those in favor and those against seeking signatures on their petitions.
Houin mentioned Englewood Park and the Washnock subdivision saying those living just off the lakefront don’t live on the lake but have access to the lake through private accesses and easements. He wanted to commissioners to determine if they are considered lakefront properties.
Commissioner Jesse Bohannon said, “That sounds like a good question for a judge.”
County Attorney Sean Surrisi said the court is currently hearing the case of the Conservancy District. He also said the county is not part of the case, although as the County Drainage Board attorney, he will be keeping up to date on the hearing.
Houin also told the commissioners he was irritated because the County Auditor has communicated with the attorney for the Conservancy District but has never answered any questions asked by those opposed to the district and said, “She was ramrodding it through.” He also said, “I hope that the county commissioners address the procedure that was gone through all these signatures for and against by our county auditor. The county auditor has not done her job properly.”
Commissioner Klotz took exception with his comments and said he supported the work the county auditor has done and the work of her staff.