Lawrence County has completed tax deed proceedings on real estate properties and mobile homes that were delinquent for 2020 and 2021.
They will now offer them for sale to the general public.
29 real estate items and 15 mobile homes will be sold through a sealed bid auction sale.
The required minimum bid on real estate is $822 and on the mobile homes $915.
All sealed written bids must be into the Lawrence County Treasurers Office located in the courthouse annex at 1106 Jefferson Street, Lawrenceville Illinois 62439 no later than the close of business on Friday, February 21st 2025.
All online bids must also be in by that February 21st date.
Complete bid packets and sale catalogs are available at the Treasurers Office during regular business hours and online at www.iltaxsale.com.
All items will be sold to the highest sealed bid received.