Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel responded to questions from GIANT fm WTCA about the impact of Governor Braun’s executive order signed last week that protects the public from the threats posed by illegal aliens in Indiana.
Sheriff Hassel stated, “The Governor’s executive order will not impact the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office and Jail. We have always cooperated fully with ICE since 2015 when I became Sheriff and I’m sure the Sheriff’s department did before I became Sheriff.”
GIANT fm WTCA asked who will determine if an individual being arrested is here legally and the sheriff said that can be determined by the arresting officer, jail staff, and records from the department’s Live Scan/I-Touch System.
We also asked if someone living in Marshall County can be arrested just because they are here illegally and the sheriff said, “Yes, but only if there is a warrant or detainer request from ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement}.
We asked Sheriff Hassel once arrested and determined to be here illegally could that person bond out of jail and he said, “Yes if ICE doesn’t have a warrant, a detainer order, or request a hold because they are arrested on a felony charge.”
WTCA asked the sheriff if there is fear that the governor's executive order could cause the county additional costs by holding illegals until ICE can pick them up and Sheriff Hassel said, “My experience working with ICE for the past nine years and the demand that we have in this County for ICE operations I would say no.”
Sheriff Hassel was also asked if city or county police officers would actively go out and seek illegal aliens and He told WTCA, “Only if requested to by ICE.”
Giant fm WTCA asked the sheriff if an illegal alien is located, would our local police agencies attempt to check the status of all members residing in the household and he said, “Only if we believe there are other persons in the residence that ICE has a warrant or detainer order for.”
Another concern of immigrants working in Marshall County is whether local police agencies will go into industries or businesses looking for illegals and he said, “Only if requested to by ICE.”
Our final question for Sheriff Matt Hassel was if current inmates in the jail are known to be here illegally, is the department obligated to report them to the state now, and did they in the past? The sheriff told WTCA, “Yes, the Live Scan/I Touch system was originally provided to all county jails in Indiana by the state and it not only notifies the State, it also notifies ICE and several other federal agencies if the person we arrested is wanted by them. “
GIANT fm WTCA appreciates Sheriff Hassel’s response to our questions.