The Marshall County Commissioners approved four Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Grant change orders during their meeting on Monday.
Brent Martin told the commissioners that the third round of the grant is completed. Projects in this round were primarily roofing projects, and he said until you get the shingles off you don’t know about issues with the decking until it is uncovered. These change orders were primarily for deck issues.
A project on Center Street in Plymouth increased by $231.44 bringing the final cost to $12,794.44. A home on West Washington Street in Plymouth already had a change order for a blocked sewer line but while working on the roof they had to spend an additional $639.03 bringing the total project to $17,112.03. A rehab project on Oak Road in Plymouth had an additional $1,938.77 for the roof project. There was also concern with a structural issue as it appeared the south wall was tipping out. The homeowner didn’t like the bracing that was proposed so there was a deduction of $499.20 bringing the project total to $19,157.77. The final project was a roof on a home on Queen Road. Substantial decking needed to be replaced increasing the bid by $1,212.35. The final total for this home was $18,632.35.
This rehabilitation project was part of the county’s Stellar designation, and 15 homes were improved at no cost to the homeowners or the county. Martin said the rehab project is being moved to OCRA and will require a 10% match for future applications. The maximum amount that can be sought is $500,000.
Martin said he hoped the county would consider applying for the grant program again. During discussions, comments said either or both the county and or homeowners could provide the required 10% match.
Martin said the current grant still has some funding available. The IHCDA did give the county a 3-month extension but that isn’t enough time to complete the necessary preliminary work, complete the bidding process, and get the projects completed. When they asked for an additional 3 months the IHCDA said no.