The following information is summarized from the records of city, county and state police agencies.
Jail Bookings
The following person was recently booked at the Fulton County Jail:
• Gary T. Castle Jr., 31, 926 Jefferson St., Rochester, was arrested Tuesday on a warrant charging him with failure to register as a sex offender. He was picked up at the Allen County Jail and held on a $15,000 surety.
• Caylor A. Easterday, 31, South Bend, was arrested Tuesday on warrants charging him with five counts of failure to appear in court on original charges of theft. He was picked up at the Indiana State Prison and held without bond.
• Victor Manuel Gonzalez Hernandez, 37, Fort Wayne, was arrested Tuesday on a warrant charging him with failure to appear in court on an original charge of driving when never licensed. He was picked up at the Allen County Jail and held on a $100 cash bond.
Police Incidents
• A vehicle driven by Alysse Sweet, 41, and Brittany VanLue, 29, both of Rochester, collided at approximately 10:20 a.m. Tuesday in the parking lot of the Fulton County Animal Adoption and Education Center, 1540 Wentzel St.
• A vehicle driven by Jadyn Smith-Lantz, 26, of Akron, hit a utility pole around 9 p.m. Tuesday at 6133 E. State Road 14, Rochester. Police records indicate that the pole fell in the front yard of the property. A wrecker service and power company were contacted as a result.
Animal call
• At 10:28 a.m. Tuesday, an officer was flagged down by an individual on State Road 110 near County Road 600 West. They had a dog that had been hit by a car. The officer transported the dog to the Fulton County Animal Adoption and Education Center to receive medical treatment.
Civil issue
• At 4:16 p.m. Tuesday, a woman reported that she purchased a Tracfone mobile phone from Walmart but was unable to activate it. She noted a 15-digit code was required, but the card she purchased only had 14. Walmart and Tracfone reportedly told her there was nothing they could do, meaning she was out $308. She was advised of options, but told it was a civil matter.
Medical call
• At 5:16 p.m. Tuesday, medics were dispatched to Pilot, 389 Rochester Crossing Drive, on a report that a truck driver was in extreme pain due to a hernia, additionally causing mental health issues. He was subsequently transported to the hospital and 4C Health was contacted to assist.
Leaving the scene
• At 6:36 p.m. Tuesday, police received a report that someone in an older model truck drove away after hitting a utility pole near 4599 E. 150 South, Rochester. The crash resulted in lines down and power out in the area The roadway was temporarily shut down for cleanup and investigation.
Extra patrol
• At 6:42 p.m. Tuesday, a resident of Fortna Drive requested extra patrol due to someone allegedly threatening to come to their home to remove belongings. They additionally wanted to know how to get a no trespassing warning issued.
Hospital report
• At 9:09 p.m. Tuesday, police received a report that a man was out of control and going around hitting walls in the ER of Woodlawn Health. The situation was reportedly under control shortly after the initial report.