Mayor Scott Furgeson, in collaboration with city and community leaders, invites residents to join an informative public presentation and luncheon.
The event will be January 31, at the Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council #822, located at 413 E South Street, Shelbyville.
The event will provide an opportunity for the community to hear updates and insights from key leaders, including:
Mayor Scott Furgeson
Clerk-Treasurer Scott Asher
Executive Director of SCDC, Brian Asher
Fire Chief Doug Lutes
Police Chief Bill Dwenger
11:30 a.m.: Doors open, lunch buffet available, and seating begins.
12:00 p.m.: Presentation starts.
1:00 p.m.: Presentation concludes.
The event will be facilitated by Courtney Chapella, Executive Director of the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce, and will also be live-streamed for those unable to attend in person.
Lunch will be provided free of charge to all attendees. To ensure adequate seating and accommodations, please register in advance at the following link: Event Registration.
Mayor Furgeson expressed his appreciation for the community’s support, stating, “This gathering reflects our commitment to open communication and collaboration with the residents of Shelbyville. Together, we continue to build a city we’re all proud to call home.”
For additional information, please contact the Office of the Mayor at mayor@cityofshelbyvillein.com.