February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month and Blue River Career Programs will be spotlighting its programs and a student from each program Monday through Friday in the Shelby County Post during the month of February.
Today's CTE spotlight is the Human and Social Services program taught by Adalynn Edwards.
Human and Social Services would like to recognize second-year student Alyssa Banfill (photo) as the student spotlight of the month.
Banfill comes to class every day with a positive attitude, actively participates in class discussion and activities, and always works hard on her assignments and projects. She exemplifies all of the qualities of a great student.
The Human and Social Services class allows students to explore careers in multiple different practice areas. With a human services or social work degree, students can work in medical settings, counseling, schools, education, corrections, child welfare, and many more.
In the Human and Social Services Capstone (second year) class, students have been talking about the socialization process and how it affects child development, and the five agents of socialization.
Just recently, the class completed a project on the socialization process, and how this looks different in other cultures.