The total contract sum is approximately $9.8 million.
The South Putnam School Board gave one project a huge boost Wednesday night, as it approved the bid for the fieldhouse project. The project, which includes two basketball courts, a new weight room, and new wrestling room among other things. Superintendent Dr. Corey Smith said there were four bids opened and the lowest bid came from the Peterson Company, of Indianapolis.
"The Peterson Company was the lowest bidder and we have accepted several bid alternatives from them as well, including significant pool renovations and parking overhaul and expansion at Central," Smith told the board.
The total contract sum is approximately $9.8 million, which was aggressive, according to Dr. Brandon Penrod, who has served as an advisor on the project. Penrod was asked about the bid and if he foresaw any issues.
"I have never done work with them but I have heard good stuff about them. To get base and all alternates under $10 million is wonderful. I think you are going to be happy with the results. Because this one was so aggressive and so much lower, you make sure everything complies. I will imagine there will be change orders, but they will be typical change orders and not because the contractor missed something," Penrod said.
After the board voted in favor of approving the bid, Smith gave a run down on all projects across the district.
"The 2024-25 school year is shaping up to be an exciting one for South Putnam. South Putnam is the place to live, work and learn," said Smith, who added he has heard from people both inside and outside of the district that positive anticipation is there for this school year.
Smith admitted a lot has happened on the projects since the June meeting, including at the football facility.
"The football field is 99 percent complete and playable. We have a few things to do, like install game clocks. The track surface is getting very close and they are almost finished with the top coating of gray rubber and it will be lined later this month. The pole bases for lights are installed and several poles are installed as well. Others will be going in along the way and plan to be finished by the end of the month," Smith said, adding a rededication ceremony with a ribbon cutting will be held at 5 p.m. on Aug. 23 at the football facility.
Smith added the annex building will be painted soon, and roof projects both at Central Elementary and South Putnam Middle/High School are slated to begin this week and be completed by the end of the month. Once those roof projects are completed, roof projects will be done at the pool and gym.
"Most of our major roof projects will be completed, and very excited about that," Smith said.
As for the new fieldhouse, pool and Central parking lot project, Smith said it is about to get very busy. Smith noted fieldhouse staging will begin Aug. 15 and demo in the gym and pool commons will begin five days later.
"It is a very aggressive start date. In a few weeks, that project will be starting and you may notice some construction fencing installed before that date. It will take up a significant part of our northeast parking lot. We have had multiple conversations about redirecting bus traffic behind the school and drop offs. We are ready to go and ready for school, even with all the projects," Smith said.
The pool upgrades will be done in multiple phases, according to Smith, with a goal of limiting impact on the swim season.
"The ones tied to the fieldhouse will be done in the fall and then swim season and then all the internal changes will take place in the spring after swim season," Smith said.
As for the Central Parking lot project, Smith said it will likely have to happen after the end of school next year.
"It will be a major disruption to school and we want to minimize that as much as possible. It will be a major reconstruction of the Central parking lot and reconfiguring it for bus and vehicle traffic," Smith said.
In other news, the board learned that Central Elementary will be changing its school times from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., putting the school on the same schedules as Fillmore Elementary and South Putnam Middle/High School.