The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will open bids for the 2025 Street Projects during its meeting Monday evening. Also, on the Board of Works agenda is opening quotes for seven new squad cars for the police department and fuel bids for the street department.
The Board of Works will continue its discussion on the tabled updated job description for the Human Resource Manager with the City Attorney. The board also will consider a request from the Heartland Art Center for a street closure.
The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet at 6 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall.
Members of the Common Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. and consider a resolution modifying the Internal Controls Policy. It also has a resolution to transfer monies from the General Fund to the Rainy Day Fund and a resolution to transfer the residential lot at the corner of Dickson and Gilmore Streets from the city to the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission.
The council will also get an update on ONE Marshall County and action on the city’s Comprehensive Plan by the city attorney.
Those attending the city meetings in person should enter through the Garro Street door and move to the second floor. The meetings are also streamed live on Microsoft Teams.
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 268 783 600 218 Passcode: 5VY3NR6g