Marshall County 4-H will host several Arts and Crafts workshops in February and March. These workshops are open to Marshall County 4-H members interested in learning more about the projects offered through the 4-H program.
Upcoming workshops include Diamond Art (Feb. 1), Crochet (Feb. 15), Jewelry (Feb. 15 and March 15), Leather (Feb. 22), Photography (March 1 and March 8), and Fabric Painting (March 22). During each workshop, members will work on a project, learn new skills, or enhance their abilities with a project leader.
For complete event information and registration, please visit https://tinyurl.com/MarshallCoACWorkshops and log in through the 4-HOnline account. New families must register for an account before signing up for the workshop. Current 4-H members must re-enroll for the new year if they haven't already done so. All workshops will occur at the Marshall County Extension Office, 112 W. Jefferson St., Room 304, in Plymouth.
If you would like more information about the 4-H program, visit our website https://extension.purdue.edu/county/marshall/4-h_information.html or call the Marshall County Extension office at 574-935-8545 or email marshces@purdue.edu. You can also find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MarshallCo4H.