Marshall County Commissioner Stan Klotz requested approval for an out-of-state travel event next month.
He said there is an insurance conference coming up that agent Ryan Colvin told them about in Washington D.C. Klotz said, “I’d like to kill two birds with one stone. I’d like to attend that conference September 10 to the 13th. He plans to fly out Tuesday afternoon or early Wednesday morning and return on Friday.
Griffin Nate, Representative Rudy Yakym’s District Director Griffin Nate suggested, since the county has an interest in some grant funding next year, to stop in the D.C. Office and meet the team that would be helping the county write the grant applications and push for and lobby for Marshall County to get some additional funding.
Klotz said it’s all up in the air without any promises but the grants were available last year and the county didn’t find out about them until it was too late.
Commissioner Kevin Overmyer asked what the county would be paying for and how much it would cost, and Klotz estimated his airfare and hotel would be about $1,500. Overmyer asked if there was enough in the budget and Klotz said, “We do now.”
County Auditor Angie Birchmeier said there is an additional appropriation request that will be advertised for the County Council’s September 12th meeting.
Klotz said, “I contacted the council before I did this to make sure they didn’t have a problem with it because I knew we were gona need an additional.”
Overmyer asked Klotz if he had purchased a flight yet and he said, “No, I was waiting for this to make sure.”
After a bit of silence, Commission Mike Burroughs motioned to approve the out-of-state- travel request from Commissioner Klotz and Commission Overmyer seconded the motion and all three commissioners voted in favor.
Again, the County Council will consider the additional appropriations request at their September 12th meeting while Commissioner Klotz will be in DC September 10th through the 13th.